Discovering the
new year ahead
2021 has been yet another extraordinary year.
From a volatile transition to a new administration in the US, a widespread COVID-19 vaccine rollout and improving virus data, to rising inflation, an energy crisis, regulatory crackdowns in China and Omicron fears, “eventful” is perhaps an understatement when it comes to describing global markets in 2021.
It has been two years and counting, from when most of Asia first implemented social distancing policies in response to COVID-19. There are many lessons that we can learn from, but now with the new Omicron variant, there is a resurgence in concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the face of uncertainty, what are some of the biggest opportunities and what are some of the biggest possible risks in 2022 for investors such as yourselves?
From our article, you will learn about the outlook for the year ahead, the opportunities present and what you can do to maintain your financial wellbeing during volatile times. As 2022 is approaching rapidly, it is never a better time to review your finances in the new year.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.